Signs Leading to Faith


He cast firmly embedded mountains on the ground so that it would not move under you, and rivers and pathways so that, hopefully, you would be guided.(Quran 16:15) Thinking deeply about the signs leading to faith is not left up to the person’s will, rather, The Qur’an commands us to do so. For that reason, thinking about these signs that encompass the universe is a constant religious observance for believers. Thanks to the signs leading to faith, which enable believers to feel His existence at every moment and in a most powerful manner, they can better understand His names and their superior nature. Once this deeper understanding is established, they try to draw ever close to Him. Due to the deep understanding stemming from these signs, and because they have seen the infinite nature of God’s knowledge and might, they live with a greatly increased fear [and awareness] of Him and with a desire and longing to attain His mercy, compassion, and Paradise. Eventually, if He wills, they depart from this world, in which they appreciated God and hoped for His mercy, and go to live in the palaces of Paradise and the rivers flowing beneath them.

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Weight 0.29 kg
Dimensions 25 × 16 × 3 cm



Harun Yahya


Paper Back


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