Islamic Legal Rulings on Fasting E-book


This book shows rulings of fasting in addition to its merits and invalidators. He also mentions goals behind fasting and attributes which those fasting should be keen on. He illustrates conditions of fasting and its rulings in some exceptional circumstances as in traveling and illness. He indicates to Battle of Badr took place in Ramadan. He clarifies some acts of worship in Ramadan such as I’tikaf (seclusion in the masjed) and Zakaatul-Fitr (obligatory charity after Ramadan).

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EBOOKS 5 - 9 5 %
EBOOKS 10 - 14 10 %
EBOOKS 15 - 100 15 %

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and Warning of Expatriates in the city of Zelfi, Cooperative Office for Propagation, Guidance



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