160 Miracles and Mysteries of the Quran – (English) – (PB)
There is no doubt that the Quran is a miracle in itself, the only book in the world which has remained unaltered since its creation and its text is same in the whole world. Being a prodigy in itself, it contains countless mysteries and revelations, some of them are compiled in ‘160 Miracles and Mysteries of the Quran’.
160 Miracles and Mysteries of the Quran – (English) – (PB)
There is no doubt that the Quran is a miracle in itself, the only book in the world which has remained unaltered since its creation and its text is same in the whole world. Being a prodigy in itself, it contains countless mysteries and revelations, some of them are compiled in ‘160 Miracles and Mysteries of the Quran’.
A Gift to the Distressed – ( Arabic/English) – (English)
A compilation of Duas (Prayers) for different oCCasions and for healing physical pain, mental disturbance and safety & security derived from the Holy Quran and Hadith
A Gift to the Distressed – ( Arabic/English) – (English)
A compilation of Duas (Prayers) for different oCCasions and for healing physical pain, mental disturbance and safety & security derived from the Holy Quran and Hadith
Dajjal The Final Deception & Signs of Qayamah – (English) – (PB)
This book explains the idea of the Dajjal and Imam Mahdi which appear relevant in these times of irreligiosity, ascendancy of anti-God ideologies, moral degeneracy and social-political disorder. In the Islamic tradition Dajjal symbolizes the devil with whom are associated, oppression, injustice, strife, falsehood and deception.
Dajjal The Final Deception & Signs of Qayamah – (English) – (PB)
This book explains the idea of the Dajjal and Imam Mahdi which appear relevant in these times of irreligiosity, ascendancy of anti-God ideologies, moral degeneracy and social-political disorder. In the Islamic tradition Dajjal symbolizes the devil with whom are associated, oppression, injustice, strife, falsehood and deception.
Dreams and Interpretations – (English) – (PB)
This valuable book is a useful manual of dreams and their meanings. It explains who is qualified to interpret dreams, how to interpret dreams, what facts are to be taken into aCCount when interpreting dreams.
Dreams and Interpretations – (English) – (PB)
This valuable book is a useful manual of dreams and their meanings. It explains who is qualified to interpret dreams, how to interpret dreams, what facts are to be taken into aCCount when interpreting dreams.
Elementary Teachings of Islam (Pkt) – (English) – (PB)
It is a small pocket size booklet for beginners in Islam. It contains all the necessary information regarding the five pillars of Islam. It also describes the oneness of Allah, about his angels, books of Allah, Holy Prophet (PBUH), day of resurrection and the power of doing good and evil.
Elementary Teachings of Islam (Pkt) – (English) – (PB)
It is a small pocket size booklet for beginners in Islam. It contains all the necessary information regarding the five pillars of Islam. It also describes the oneness of Allah, about his angels, books of Allah, Holy Prophet (PBUH), day of resurrection and the power of doing good and evil.
How Rushdie Fooled The West ? – (English) – (PB)
This book by Ahmed Deedat, is about how Salma Rushdie suCCeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim women and orphaned Muslim children with his positioned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was needed) that the pen is mightier than the sword! (In English Language).
How Rushdie Fooled The West ? – (English) – (PB)
This book by Ahmed Deedat, is about how Salma Rushdie suCCeeded in causing the death of 40 Muslim men, widowed Muslim women and orphaned Muslim children with his positioned pen, proving the old saying (if proof was needed) that the pen is mightier than the sword! (In English Language).
How to find the True Religion – (English) – (PB)
How to find the true religion by Dr Noorul Hussain K., is a one of a kind book which shines light on the concept of god, and people's belief and how important faith is to people, and how one can achieve peace by identifying true religion.
How to find the True Religion – (English) – (PB)
How to find the true religion by Dr Noorul Hussain K., is a one of a kind book which shines light on the concept of god, and people's belief and how important faith is to people, and how one can achieve peace by identifying true religion.
Ihya Ulum-id-Din (4 Vol.) – (Al-Ghazzali)
This book is classified into four volumes worship, worldly usage, destructive evils, and constructive virtues. Each volume has been further divided into ten chapters. The first two volumes speak about the social environment and physical actions helping us to understand the divine message and order. The last two volumes plunge into the faculties of human mind in depth.
Ihya Ulum-id-Din (4 Vol.) – (Al-Ghazzali)
This book is classified into four volumes worship, worldly usage, destructive evils, and constructive virtues. Each volume has been further divided into ten chapters. The first two volumes speak about the social environment and physical actions helping us to understand the divine message and order. The last two volumes plunge into the faculties of human mind in depth.
In the Shade of the Quran – (English) – (PB)
The Quran is the constitution raveled by Allah to regulate and govern human life. In the Shade of the Quran is the English translation of Fi-Zhilal al-Quran by Sayyid Qutb which took the Author Name(s) almost 15 years to compile this masterpiece. Translated by M. Adil Salahi and Ahaur A. Shamis. This book is a Surah by Surah, verse by verse, one of the most elaborate Tafsir of the holy Quran.
In the Shade of the Quran – (English) – (PB)
The Quran is the constitution raveled by Allah to regulate and govern human life. In the Shade of the Quran is the English translation of Fi-Zhilal al-Quran by Sayyid Qutb which took the Author Name(s) almost 15 years to compile this masterpiece. Translated by M. Adil Salahi and Ahaur A. Shamis. This book is a Surah by Surah, verse by verse, one of the most elaborate Tafsir of the holy Quran.
Islam At the Crossroads – (English) – (PB)
In a world where the western trends, ideas and customs are growing and spreading at an exponential rate, it is quite visible, in a broader view,unfortunately, that these trends are suCCessfully sidelining the core Islamic culture anda values.Muahmmad Asad puts forward a series of valid concerns and arguments on todays state of Islam and its unseen war against the Western Civilisation.
Islam At the Crossroads – (English) – (PB)
In a world where the western trends, ideas and customs are growing and spreading at an exponential rate, it is quite visible, in a broader view,unfortunately, that these trends are suCCessfully sidelining the core Islamic culture anda values.Muahmmad Asad puts forward a series of valid concerns and arguments on todays state of Islam and its unseen war against the Western Civilisation.
Islamic Aadaab – (English) – (PB)
This concise booklet contains of the personnel day to day adaab of or beloved Prophet (PBUH). A few relevant masnoon duas, etc, have also been included by the publishers for the benefits of the respectable readers. Whatever is mentioned in the text is the translation or meaning of the Hadith. At the end of every Hadith, whether it is narrated in the form of word or deed, reference to its original source has been provided.
Islamic Aadaab – (English) – (PB)
This concise booklet contains of the personnel day to day adaab of or beloved Prophet (PBUH). A few relevant masnoon duas, etc, have also been included by the publishers for the benefits of the respectable readers. Whatever is mentioned in the text is the translation or meaning of the Hadith. At the end of every Hadith, whether it is narrated in the form of word or deed, reference to its original source has been provided.
Islamic Awareness – (English) – (PB)
Collection of articles, lectures, speeches, and talks that the author gave at different places for a number of years covering serveral topics like, Introduction of Islam, Details about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Life in Grave, Development of Islamic Society etc.
Islamic Awareness – (English) – (PB)
Collection of articles, lectures, speeches, and talks that the author gave at different places for a number of years covering serveral topics like, Introduction of Islam, Details about Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Life in Grave, Development of Islamic Society etc.
Kitaab-ul-Imaan – (English) – (PB)
We realize from the Quran and the Ahadeeth that the most valuable treasure is Imaan and the greatest calamity is Kufr. Everlasting bliss is the result of Imaan while everlasting damnation is the consequence of Kufr. Kitabul Imaan - The Book of Islamic Faith published by Islamic Book Service puts forward a comprehensive book on Imaan, covering every topic that is to be known by a Muslim.
Kitaab-ul-Imaan – (English) – (PB)
We realize from the Quran and the Ahadeeth that the most valuable treasure is Imaan and the greatest calamity is Kufr. Everlasting bliss is the result of Imaan while everlasting damnation is the consequence of Kufr. Kitabul Imaan - The Book of Islamic Faith published by Islamic Book Service puts forward a comprehensive book on Imaan, covering every topic that is to be known by a Muslim.
Kitab-ut-Tahaarah – (English) – (PB)
The most important subject for a Muslim to comprehend is Allah’s monotheism and the full implications of that belief, as without that, no act of worship or good deed is aCCepted by Allah, nor rewarded in the hereafter.
Kitab-ut-Tahaarah – (English) – (PB)
The most important subject for a Muslim to comprehend is Allah’s monotheism and the full implications of that belief, as without that, no act of worship or good deed is aCCepted by Allah, nor rewarded in the hereafter.
Milestones – (English) – (PB)
“Milestones” is the English translation of “Ma’alim fi al-Tariq“. A heroic effort by Sayyid Qutb, calling out to recreate the Muslim world on the basis of Quranic teachings and abandon the ignorance towards the real teachings of Islam. This is one of the most influential works Arabic which ultimately led to the Author Name(s) being hanged.
Milestones – (English) – (PB)
“Milestones” is the English translation of “Ma’alim fi al-Tariq“. A heroic effort by Sayyid Qutb, calling out to recreate the Muslim world on the basis of Quranic teachings and abandon the ignorance towards the real teachings of Islam. This is one of the most influential works Arabic which ultimately led to the Author Name(s) being hanged.
Muslim’s Character – (English) – (PB)
The book presents the comprehensive nature of Islamic morality, which covers all aspects of life i.e. public as well as private, religious and social, economic and political. Islamic morality is not confined to Muslim society, but it extends to human society. Islam links the origin of all human beings to a single pair of parents and upholds the principles of equality, justice, and fairness for all human beings regardless of their race, color, or faith.
Muslim’s Character – (English) – (PB)
The book presents the comprehensive nature of Islamic morality, which covers all aspects of life i.e. public as well as private, religious and social, economic and political. Islamic morality is not confined to Muslim society, but it extends to human society. Islam links the origin of all human beings to a single pair of parents and upholds the principles of equality, justice, and fairness for all human beings regardless of their race, color, or faith.
One and Only (Tawhid-The Key to Jannah) – (English) – (PB)
The Oneness of God (the common message brought by each messenger of Allah) which is the key to Jannah, explained in a unique way
One and Only (Tawhid-The Key to Jannah) – (English) – (PB)
The Oneness of God (the common message brought by each messenger of Allah) which is the key to Jannah, explained in a unique way
Proving Prophethood by Means of The Quranic Miracle – (English) – (PB)
Proving the Prophethood through the Holy Quran which is a miracle itself
Proving Prophethood by Means of The Quranic Miracle – (English) – (PB)
Proving the Prophethood through the Holy Quran which is a miracle itself
Riyaa: Hidden Shirk (English/Arabic)(PB)
The meaning and impect of Riyaa (Show off the deeds) described in a lucid and imporessive way
Riyaa: Hidden Shirk (English/Arabic)(PB)
The meaning and impect of Riyaa (Show off the deeds) described in a lucid and imporessive way
Sins – (English) – (PB)
Numerous types of Sins have been listed in this book under various headings in this book. The aim of this book is to produce awareness in the heart of every muslim so that one can realise whether one is involved in sin or not because unfortunately, there are so many muslims who are not even conscious of the fact that they are indulginh in sinful activities. Without this recognition man will neither repent and seek pardon nor will see the need for rectifying his faults in future.
Sins – (English) – (PB)
Numerous types of Sins have been listed in this book under various headings in this book. The aim of this book is to produce awareness in the heart of every muslim so that one can realise whether one is involved in sin or not because unfortunately, there are so many muslims who are not even conscious of the fact that they are indulginh in sinful activities. Without this recognition man will neither repent and seek pardon nor will see the need for rectifying his faults in future.
Taleemul Haq – (English/Arabic/Urdu) – (PB)
Authentic compilation of the guidelines based on five fundamentals of Islam with basic Islamic teachings
Taleemul Haq – (English/Arabic/Urdu) – (PB)
Authentic compilation of the guidelines based on five fundamentals of Islam with basic Islamic teachings
Tauba (Repentance) – (English) – (PB)
This book of Imam Al-Ghazali, translated by Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, provides a complete outlook on the topic of Repentance(Tauba). Tauba means repentance for a sin by making promise not to do the same evil again and to return to Allah. Repentance is considered to be the most essential step towards achieving closeness to Allah.
Tauba (Repentance) – (English) – (PB)
This book of Imam Al-Ghazali, translated by Al-Haj Maulana Fazlul Karim, provides a complete outlook on the topic of Repentance(Tauba). Tauba means repentance for a sin by making promise not to do the same evil again and to return to Allah. Repentance is considered to be the most essential step towards achieving closeness to Allah.
The Amazing Quran – (English/Arabic) – (PB)
One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Qur'an does not appear to them to be what they expected. The Amazing Quran is an insight by a non-Muslim writer, Gary Miller, explaining how the Qur'an is a miracle in itself.
The Amazing Quran – (English/Arabic) – (PB)
One thing which surprises non-Muslims who are examining the book very closely is that the Qur'an does not appear to them to be what they expected. The Amazing Quran is an insight by a non-Muslim writer, Gary Miller, explaining how the Qur'an is a miracle in itself.
The Fundamentals of Islam – (English) – (PB)
The religion of Islam is a universal message which is based on the Aqeedah of oneness of Allah. Islam makes no distinction between its adherents whether they be black, white, Arab, or non-Arab. In this book, the Author Name(s) elaborates on certain points in the subsequent chapters where it is necessary for the full understanding of a statement or an idea.
The Fundamentals of Islam – (English) – (PB)
The religion of Islam is a universal message which is based on the Aqeedah of oneness of Allah. Islam makes no distinction between its adherents whether they be black, white, Arab, or non-Arab. In this book, the Author Name(s) elaborates on certain points in the subsequent chapters where it is necessary for the full understanding of a statement or an idea.
The Keys To Jannah – (English) – (PB)
Virtues of good deeds described in a lucid manner as good deeds are the keys to Jannah (Pradise)
The Keys To Jannah – (English) – (PB)
Virtues of good deeds described in a lucid manner as good deeds are the keys to Jannah (Pradise)
The Pillars of Islam and Iman – (English) – (PB)
A brief description of the basic Islamic Faith and Practices which are the pillers of Islam
The Pillars of Islam and Iman – (English) – (PB)
A brief description of the basic Islamic Faith and Practices which are the pillers of Islam
The Road to Makkah – (English) – (HB)
This book describes the happiness and sense of reality brought to one man by the Islamic way of life. The Author Name(s) does not wish to preach or to convert. He speaks only of his own unique experiences upon the road he has traveled, his journey on the path of Imaan, and in so doing he has written a book of outstanding power and insight.
The Road to Makkah – (English) – (HB)
This book describes the happiness and sense of reality brought to one man by the Islamic way of life. The Author Name(s) does not wish to preach or to convert. He speaks only of his own unique experiences upon the road he has traveled, his journey on the path of Imaan, and in so doing he has written a book of outstanding power and insight.
Visiting Dargahs Can They Intercede? – (English/Arabic) – (PB)
A pocket sized booklet answers the doubts about whether it is permitted in Islam to visit dargahs, or seeking intercession allowed in Islam.
Visiting Dargahs Can They Intercede? – (English/Arabic) – (PB)
A pocket sized booklet answers the doubts about whether it is permitted in Islam to visit dargahs, or seeking intercession allowed in Islam.