Conscience Described In The Quran
In this book, we are going to talk about a voice that always inspires justice, good manners, humility, honesty, sincerity, and all that is most righteous. This voice belongs to you, it is within you, it is the voice of your conscience.
Conscience Described In The Quran
In this book, we are going to talk about a voice that always inspires justice, good manners, humility, honesty, sincerity, and all that is most righteous. This voice belongs to you, it is within you, it is the voice of your conscience.
Contemporary Muslim World
There is no single volume published so far in which all available basic information about the Muslim states is available. The author who has spent over thirty years in the diplomatic career has brought his experience to bear upon the subject which has been admirably presented in its essential outlines.
Contemporary Muslim World
There is no single volume published so far in which all available basic information about the Muslim states is available. The author who has spent over thirty years in the diplomatic career has brought his experience to bear upon the subject which has been admirably presented in its essential outlines.
Creation Mystery-Quran And Science
The book has a different flavour and different outlook. The author has not used the scientific jargons and cosmological vocabulary. He has written the book in simple language, which can be understood by a common reader with no knowledge of science or cosmology.
Creation Mystery-Quran And Science
The book has a different flavour and different outlook. The author has not used the scientific jargons and cosmological vocabulary. He has written the book in simple language, which can be understood by a common reader with no knowledge of science or cosmology.
Criminal Law of Islam 4 Vols Set
This book is comprehensive study of the Islamic Criminal Law and the Modern Law. It essentially consists of an enquiry into the respective principles and theories underlying the Islamic Laws and other Laws and aims at identifying the points of difference and similarity between them.
Criminal Law of Islam 4 Vols Set
This book is comprehensive study of the Islamic Criminal Law and the Modern Law. It essentially consists of an enquiry into the respective principles and theories underlying the Islamic Laws and other Laws and aims at identifying the points of difference and similarity between them.
Critical Analysis of Capitalism Socialism
Being a Muslim the author is prone to religious leanings in his writings; but during his researches in capitalism and socialism he realised that people regard economics as a purely secular subject. The author decided to discuss all economic issues in this book in perfectly secular fashion relying solely and exclusively on rationalism and common sense throughout. The past dealing with Islamic economic ideology is also (London)presented so as to help secular economists read and assimilate it with an open unbiased mind.
Critical Analysis of Capitalism Socialism
Being a Muslim the author is prone to religious leanings in his writings; but during his researches in capitalism and socialism he realised that people regard economics as a purely secular subject. The author decided to discuss all economic issues in this book in perfectly secular fashion relying solely and exclusively on rationalism and common sense throughout. The past dealing with Islamic economic ideology is also (London)presented so as to help secular economists read and assimilate it with an open unbiased mind.
Darwinism Science Made To Order
Darwinism, which is the soul of evolutionary biology is the religion of atheists and chance is their god. Ever since its publication in Darwin's book, The Origin of Species in 1859, the theory of evolution has remained controversial. Although there are several websites, books and journals that argue for or against the theory, the present book intends to present an overview of the current scenario particularly for the lay readers. The book exposes the false propaganda of evolutionists that it is a scientifically proven theory and discusses the hidden agenda of the atheistic lobby behind the promotion of the theory.
Darwinism Science Made To Order
Darwinism, which is the soul of evolutionary biology is the religion of atheists and chance is their god. Ever since its publication in Darwin's book, The Origin of Species in 1859, the theory of evolution has remained controversial. Although there are several websites, books and journals that argue for or against the theory, the present book intends to present an overview of the current scenario particularly for the lay readers. The book exposes the false propaganda of evolutionists that it is a scientifically proven theory and discusses the hidden agenda of the atheistic lobby behind the promotion of the theory.
Dawah In Modern Times
This book is in fact, comprises articles published from time to time in different journals, magazines, and english dailies of the country. It also contains a collection of some articles on different aspects of the Quran. A few of them deal with recent contemporary issues. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Shaikh taught Quranic and Hadith Science almost a Decade at Dawah Academy, International Islamic University of Islamabad. He has also delivered a series of lectures on Quran and Hadith Science during his Official Visits to Australia, Europe and North America,
in 1983, 1991 and 1992 respectively. He is presently Professor / Director Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir (Pakistan) Mirpur.
Dawah In Modern Times
This book is in fact, comprises articles published from time to time in different journals, magazines, and english dailies of the country. It also contains a collection of some articles on different aspects of the Quran. A few of them deal with recent contemporary issues. Dr. Khalid Mahmood Shaikh taught Quranic and Hadith Science almost a Decade at Dawah Academy, International Islamic University of Islamabad. He has also delivered a series of lectures on Quran and Hadith Science during his Official Visits to Australia, Europe and North America,
in 1983, 1991 and 1992 respectively. He is presently Professor / Director Institute of Islamic Studies, University of Kashmir (Pakistan) Mirpur.
Dawat-Ul Quran, (The Quranic Messages) Tr. S.M. Iqbal
In this book verses of the Holy Qur'an have been arranged under different headings concerning the various aspects of human life on earth. The selected verses have been supported with short but necessary explanatory notes.
Dawat-Ul Quran, (The Quranic Messages) Tr. S.M. Iqbal
In this book verses of the Holy Qur'an have been arranged under different headings concerning the various aspects of human life on earth. The selected verses have been supported with short but necessary explanatory notes.
Decisive Moments In The History Of Islam
This book is a very good job and deals with the decisive encoun-ters betw-een East and West and Christendom. It throws much light on this eternal struggle between these two rivals. Although the events are common, they have a great value and importance in playing great roles in making several decisions.
Decisive Moments In The History Of Islam
This book is a very good job and deals with the decisive encoun-ters betw-een East and West and Christendom. It throws much light on this eternal struggle between these two rivals. Although the events are common, they have a great value and importance in playing great roles in making several decisions.
Democracy And Islam
The present work is an effort to assess objective conditions, issues and problems of democracy and its relevance with Islam. This volume has attempted to look into the problems in totality of the democratic system, the governments, the environment and strategies of functional value. Where, Quran guides us that there is only one straight path to govern mankind and that is in the position of His
vicegerent who will govern and decide according to His Divine Law.
Democracy And Islam
The present work is an effort to assess objective conditions, issues and problems of democracy and its relevance with Islam. This volume has attempted to look into the problems in totality of the democratic system, the governments, the environment and strategies of functional value. Where, Quran guides us that there is only one straight path to govern mankind and that is in the position of His
vicegerent who will govern and decide according to His Divine Law.
Development of Usul Al Fiqh
In this book, author has attempted to survey the process of deducing various legal concepts and categories undertaken by the Companions and their successor-jurists. He has marshaled relevant precedents, judgements, rulings and opinions, put
forward by the Rashidun caliphs, concerning various issues arising in their time.
Development of Usul Al Fiqh
In this book, author has attempted to survey the process of deducing various legal concepts and categories undertaken by the Companions and their successor-jurists. He has marshaled relevant precedents, judgements, rulings and opinions, put
forward by the Rashidun caliphs, concerning various issues arising in their time.
Dictionary of Islam

Dictionary of Islam

Divine Guidence The Only Solution Of Womens Plight
The sole objective of producing this publication as outlined at the very outset was to present an appraisal of God-made laws in comparison to man-made laws. It was envisaged that as God alone is the Conceiver, Creator and Owner of this universe, the Sovereignty over it also rests with Him and Him alone.
Divine Guidence The Only Solution Of Womens Plight
The sole objective of producing this publication as outlined at the very outset was to present an appraisal of God-made laws in comparison to man-made laws. It was envisaged that as God alone is the Conceiver, Creator and Owner of this universe, the Sovereignty over it also rests with Him and Him alone.
Dos And Do Nots In Islam
In this book Halal and Haram will go a long way to instil Imaan (fear of Allah's punishment and hope for His reward). A lot of sins are committed daily because of ignorance of the rules and regulations of the Islamic Shari'ah. This book mostly based on Qur'an and Hadith, is a successful attempt to English -
knowing Muslims about Dos (Halal) and Do Nots (Haram) in Islam.
Dos And Do Nots In Islam
In this book Halal and Haram will go a long way to instil Imaan (fear of Allah's punishment and hope for His reward). A lot of sins are committed daily because of ignorance of the rules and regulations of the Islamic Shari'ah. This book mostly based on Qur'an and Hadith, is a successful attempt to English -
knowing Muslims about Dos (Halal) and Do Nots (Haram) in Islam.
Economic Rights of Women Under Islamic & Hindu Law
The author has offered this study in this book in which economic safety of woman in Islam is highlighted in a detailed manner. The whole book is conveniently divided into various chapter such as importance of economy, Economic rights of women under Islamic law and Hindu law and a Comparative study. The author has striven to explain the whole thing as clearly as possible by appropriate extracts from old and holy
books like Qur'an and Puranas. This work shall be equally useful to the lawyers, law students and the social activities. The effort of the author is really laudable.
Economic Rights of Women Under Islamic & Hindu Law
The author has offered this study in this book in which economic safety of woman in Islam is highlighted in a detailed manner. The whole book is conveniently divided into various chapter such as importance of economy, Economic rights of women under Islamic law and Hindu law and a Comparative study. The author has striven to explain the whole thing as clearly as possible by appropriate extracts from old and holy
books like Qur'an and Puranas. This work shall be equally useful to the lawyers, law students and the social activities. The effort of the author is really laudable.
Economic Security In Islam
This book is an English rendering of a popular Arabic book entitled Mushkala al-Faqr wa Kaifa 'Aljiha al-Islam written by Yusuf al-Qardawi. In this book the learned author has favoured us with the basic principles of the Economic System of India in the light of the Holy Qur'an and the
Sunnah. It also offers a comparative study of the economic systems functioning under the three ideologies i.e., Communism, Capitalism and Islam.
Economic Security In Islam
This book is an English rendering of a popular Arabic book entitled Mushkala al-Faqr wa Kaifa 'Aljiha al-Islam written by Yusuf al-Qardawi. In this book the learned author has favoured us with the basic principles of the Economic System of India in the light of the Holy Qur'an and the
Sunnah. It also offers a comparative study of the economic systems functioning under the three ideologies i.e., Communism, Capitalism and Islam.
Economic Teaching Of Prophet Mohammad
The entire world needs to look into the simple but long-term economical solutions offered by Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings on him. His human-friendly guidelines can surely enable the unbiased economists to envisage viable Islamic model of economy. The Economic Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provides an excellent opportunity to both the teachers and students of economics with precise and lucid directions on the subject.
Economic Teaching Of Prophet Mohammad
The entire world needs to look into the simple but long-term economical solutions offered by Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings on him. His human-friendly guidelines can surely enable the unbiased economists to envisage viable Islamic model of economy. The Economic Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) provides an excellent opportunity to both the teachers and students of economics with precise and lucid directions on the subject.
Education Based On Teachings Of Holy Quran
This book purports to present a dynamic outlook on education based on the fundamentals of the universal faith and ideology.The book suggests reasonable variation in the teaching process to suit the natural dispositions of the learners as against the formal, static and stereotyped way of brain hammering and intimidation. The book has exclusively stressed practical approach for the cultivation of standard characteristics of human behaviour to harness the wayward tendencies, ill-conceived aspirations and irrational attitudes of the rebellious youth.
Education Based On Teachings Of Holy Quran
This book purports to present a dynamic outlook on education based on the fundamentals of the universal faith and ideology.The book suggests reasonable variation in the teaching process to suit the natural dispositions of the learners as against the formal, static and stereotyped way of brain hammering and intimidation. The book has exclusively stressed practical approach for the cultivation of standard characteristics of human behaviour to harness the wayward tendencies, ill-conceived aspirations and irrational attitudes of the rebellious youth.
Educational Foundation of Islam
It is a scholarly attempt. All the sub topics, twenty in all, have been vigorously explained and authenticated, thus bringing forth almost complete picture of Islam and its philosophical base of education. Some current social issues e.g. Women Education, Co-education, Sex Education, Population Education, Health Education, Environmental Education, Human Rights Education, Peace Education, have been investigated from Islamic point of view. The best part of the book is perhaps the authors effort to compare different philosophies of education, with Islamic philosophy of education.
Educational Foundation of Islam
It is a scholarly attempt. All the sub topics, twenty in all, have been vigorously explained and authenticated, thus bringing forth almost complete picture of Islam and its philosophical base of education. Some current social issues e.g. Women Education, Co-education, Sex Education, Population Education, Health Education, Environmental Education, Human Rights Education, Peace Education, have been investigated from Islamic point of view. The best part of the book is perhaps the authors effort to compare different philosophies of education, with Islamic philosophy of education.
Educational Philosophy Of The Holy Quran Its Comparison With Western Educational Philosophies
The Holy Quran is the last and final Revealed Book-complete in all respect, absolutely correct in its original text, perfect from all points of view, true and right guidance for the whole of humanity and for all times to come. It is the Criterion, the Wisdom, the Balance and the Right
Educational Philosophy Of The Holy Quran Its Comparison With Western Educational Philosophies
The Holy Quran is the last and final Revealed Book-complete in all respect, absolutely correct in its original text, perfect from all points of view, true and right guidance for the whole of humanity and for all times to come. It is the Criterion, the Wisdom, the Balance and the Right
Emeralds In The Crown Of Islam : Study Of Four Imams
The need to print and publish this virtual treatise on our most distinguished founder-Imams of Islamic Jurisprudence seems to be urgent at a time when Muslim Ummah stands confounded on the cross-roads. The justification for calling them 'Emeralds' lies in the brilliance of their reconstructional role and contribution, and the fact that theirs was a collective and
everlasting achievement is not an over-estimation.
Emeralds In The Crown Of Islam : Study Of Four Imams
The need to print and publish this virtual treatise on our most distinguished founder-Imams of Islamic Jurisprudence seems to be urgent at a time when Muslim Ummah stands confounded on the cross-roads. The justification for calling them 'Emeralds' lies in the brilliance of their reconstructional role and contribution, and the fact that theirs was a collective and
everlasting achievement is not an over-estimation.
Etiquettes of Islamic Life
Islam is not merely a faith but a way of life, a system ordering and organising human society. Islam is the natural and rational religion for all times to come. Its principles can and have more successfully challenges that may confront this world of our. It is basically a religion of peace, equality and fraternity. It preaches love and brotherliness and way of life which is natural, simple and quite easy to follow. The present book is an attempt to present the manners and
etiquettes of Islamic culture in a comprehensive manner.
Etiquettes of Islamic Life
Islam is not merely a faith but a way of life, a system ordering and organising human society. Islam is the natural and rational religion for all times to come. Its principles can and have more successfully challenges that may confront this world of our. It is basically a religion of peace, equality and fraternity. It preaches love and brotherliness and way of life which is natural, simple and quite easy to follow. The present book is an attempt to present the manners and
etiquettes of Islamic culture in a comprehensive manner.